
In this section you will find all the information you require related to public and mock examinations. Select the appropriate button below for more information on various examinations policies, information and guidance, mock and public examination timetables, JCQ regulations and post results services.

GCSE, Functional Skills and Entry Level Certificates

The Yellow House School is committed to providing a diverse and comprehensive curriculum tailored to meet the unique needs of our pupils. In recent years, we have expanded our course offerings to better accommodate the varied learning requirements of our students. While we have a general list of qualifications and courses available, we are also open to discussing specific qualifications that a pupil may wish to pursue.

GCSE Courses Offered at The Yellow House:
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Science:
    • Biology
    • Physics
  • Art and Design
  • History

Functional Skills Courses Offered at The Yellow House:
  • English: Levels 1 and 2
  • Mathematics: Levels 1 and 2

Entry Level Courses Offered at The Yellow House:
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Additional Science
  • Personal and Social Development
  • Independent Living
  • Health and Fitness
  • Creative Media
  • Humanities

AQA Unit Award Scheme
In addition to our structured courses, we also offer the AQA Unit Award Scheme, which includes over 2,000 units to choose from, ensuring that there is something for everyone. This scheme allows us to provide targeted enrichment, intervention, and extension work, catering to each student's individual learning journey.

At The Yellow House, our goal is to empower each pupil by offering a curriculum that not only supports their academic achievements but also fosters personal growth and development. We are dedicated to working closely with students and families to identify and pursue qualifications that align with their aspirations and interests.

Access Arrangements

Access Arrangements are designed to ensure that all students have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills during examinations and assessments. These arrangements aim to provide equal access to exams without giving any candidate an unfair advantage. While some accommodations can be implemented directly by the school, others require approval from the awarding bodies before any exams or assessments take place.

The core purpose of access arrangements is to ensure that all pupils can participate in exams without being disadvantaged by their specific needs. It is essential that a qualified specialist assessor evaluates each case to determine whether the candidate's knowledge can only be effectively assessed through specific accommodations.

The following access arrangements may be available for testing at the school:
Reader:  A person who reads the exam paper aloud to the student.
Computer Reader:  A software application that reads the text on the screen for the student.
Scribe: A person who writes down the student's responses as they dictate them.
Transcript:  A written record of a student’s spoken responses.
Extra Time:  Additional time allocated to complete the exam.
Rest Breaks:  Scheduled breaks during the exam to help manage fatigue or stress.
Prompt:  Assistance provided to help the student focus on the task at hand.
Use of Laptop:  Permission to use a laptop for written responses.
Modified Script:  An exam paper that has been adapted to a larger print size for better readability.

To ensure that each pupil's needs are accurately assessed, we employ a team of JCQ-approved specialist assessors who conduct individual evaluations. Additionally, we leverage any relevant data, such as up-to-date Educational Psychologist reports from previous secondary schools, to inform our decisions.

Once access arrangements are approved by the Examination Boards, they can be implemented throughout the GCSE examination period, ensuring that each student has the necessary support to succeed. We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where all pupils can perform to the best of their abilities.