Our Curriculum Intent - A totally Bespoke Curriculum

At The Yellow House our aim is for each pupil to develop into independent, happy  and skilled life long learners.
The curriculum is designed to meet the individual needs of our pupils. It aims to provide motivating and relevant learning to maximise pupils’ engagement and support progress. We  strive to deliver wide and varied learning experiences that support the development of functional skills, independence and personal development.  We recognise pupils' Education, Health and Care Plans, prior learning, provide practical/multi-sensory experiences, build resilience, develop communication and help every pupil to achieve their potential.

Our Implementation
The curriculum has been designed to provide a core learning offer to all pupils that then branches out into a bespoke pathway for each learner. Our approach provides stimulating learning experiences and links concepts in a meaningful way which also allows for multiple attempts in learning through different areas of the curriculum. The curriculum is differentiated into 4 pathways: Multisensory pathway, Engagement pathway, functional pathway and Progression pathway. This meets the needs of our different pupils ensuring that they access the learning experiences that are relevant and appropriate to them.

Our curriculum enables the pupils to make outstanding progress in all areas of their learning so that they can move onto Post 16 provision and a life beyond school. Our aim is that pupils leave The Yellow House with the communication skills, confidence, wellbeing skills and life skills that support overall independence. Functional accreditation and GCSE qualifications are achieved to enable our pupils to continue their learning journeys into adult life.